Monthly Social Media


Monthly newsletters

They are supposed to be a really good idea, but who remembers to send them? Us, that’s who. Not only do we remember, but we can also write and send the newsletter for you.

Add newsletter builder using your book funnel or story origin account for $50/month.

Running a social media street team

Do you have a team of loyal supporters who promote you on social media? Do you want to? We can find and manage that for you.

Facebook group management

I will make daily posts in your author reader group to increase interaction. Add organising and running author spotlights for $50/month.

Finding spotlights, hops, and parties

I will find takeover parties, hops, and spotlights to promote your image and participate in party chats for you.

For $50/month, you can add posting in up to 4 events on your behalf and closing giveaways (through access to your Facebook account).

Basic Media Coverage

Your book can be shared on the Intriguing Author TikTok, Facebook group, and pages. Please note that this is ad-hoc, depending on how much time is spent assisting with other areas. If you require more social media than this, please look at our promotion-focused packages.

Author Details on Intriguing Author PA website

Your bio and books will be listed on our author page here on the website.

Please complete the following form to have your author information listed.

Please complete the following form to have your book information listed.