What's in the Bag Nursery Rhyme Books

Sit opposite your child, or in a circle for multiple children and begin by singing What's in the bag, to the tune of Farmers in the dell.

The signs to accompany this song are printed inside the book.

After the song, the first child can pick from the bag. You can use the cut outs from the back of this book, download from our website, or order a bag of props to use.

When the child pulls out their toy or cut out, all the children sing the rhyme together.

Then repeat the what's in the bag song as the bag is passed to the next child.


Red Bag

Very popular activity in the nursery, helping build communication and confidence. Now parents can play at home with their child, using the book to sing their favourite rhymes. The red book contains the following simple rhymes to enjoy...

  • Incy Wincey Spider,
  • Wind the bobbin up,
  • Twinkle Twinkle little star,
  • Old MacDonald,
  • Hickory Dickory Dock

Click here to buy from all online book retailers.

Click here to download a free Red Bag Activity Pack.


Blue Bag

A book of five rhymes based on the activity "what's in the bag?" A good way to build language and turn taking when used with a prop bag. The blue book contains the following simple rhymes to enjoy...

  • Tiny Tim
  • Row your boat
  • Five little ducks went swimming one day
  • Once I caught a fish alive
  • Little speckled frog

Click here to buy from all online book retailers.

Click here to download a free Blue Bag Activity Pack.