Book 1: Return from Embers
Light and Darkness are two sides of a coin. You can't have one without the other.
Being the goddess of light, I took the hits darkness threw at me, rising above it and taking it out with the cost of my life and the lives of my mates.
Or so we thought...
Darkness is rising again, growing its power to defeat what little light is left. The great divine goddess has called me back. Claiming I am the only one powerful enough to retrieve the heart stones and restore balance to our world. I fear she has chosen wrong. I don't feel powerful, I feel like I'm crumbling at the seams. I have to trust in her judgment that it's true.
Because I refuse to let darkness win.
Light always defeats darkness. All I need to do is shine brighter than I ever have before.
Will darkness be my end? Or will my light prevail?